Join the network of best-in-class leaders
enrich members are CxOs, VPs and Directors from today’s most innovative, high-growth companies and established public technology companies. They’re individuals who are growth-minded and continually striving for excellence.
We’ve helped +1,000 members become better leaders. Here's a sample of our growing network.
Taylor Brown
COO & Cofounder
Kim Caldbeck
Jan Chong
VP Engineering
Nick Clark
Jay Crim VP Engineering
Armon Dadgar Cofounder
Devin Davis
VP Marketing
Anoop Dawar VP Product
Poornima DeBolle
Tom Gillis
SVP and GM
Adam Gross
former CEO
Surabhi Gupta
SVP Engineering
Cal Henderson
Abby Kearns
former CTO
Ryan King
Allison Lacker
Rachel Link
VP Engineering
Ali Littman
VP Engineering
Jason Liu
Steve Lloyd
Patrick Mcgregor
Head of Product
Libor Michalek President
Ketan Nayak
SVP Product
Emmett Nicholas Cofounder
Stuart Parmenter
Jeff Queisser Cofounder
Anne Raimondi
Mada Seghete
Baker Shogry
Chris Slowe
Alex Solomon
J Zac Stein
Savina Perez
Marco Tabini
Chung-Man Tam
Jen Taylor
Rahul Vohra
Xueyan Wang
SVP Services
Christine Weber
Tom Willerer
Jehad Affoneh
Whitney Bouck
enrich members know the best way to learn is from each other. Hear it from them
My enrich group is an amazing resource. Talking to CTO's at Slack, Puppet, Reddit and others provides insight and ideas I just couldn't get elsewhere. I'd recommend enrich to leaders looking for peer support.
Dan Sturman
CTO, Roblox
enrich is my secret weapon. I’ve turned to enrich members for guidance on tough decisions that I could never share outside this confidential group. They’ve helped me overcome countless hurdles, avoid others, and even see things I wouldn’t have otherwise considered.
Mada Seghete
Co-founder, CMO, Branch
I joined enrich to stay ahead of key challenges as Plaid hyperscale. I'm now interested in how to lead Plaid from 1,000 companies to the next phase of growth, and I'm leaning on my enrich group to help to do so.
Baker Shogry
CPO, Plaid
enrich is a game changer. It helps me make better decisions as a leader, and is a phenomenal way to better scale and retain my team.
Chris Slowe CTO, Reddit
The confidence that comes from knowing no one necessarily has it all figured out is refreshing, as without this many of us spend our days feeling like we don't know what we're doing and it would be easy for someone else.
Jay Crim
VP Eng, Google
I've definitely built a camaraderie with others and mutual peer support particularly with some of the women. Very appreciated!
Alana Karen
Director Search Platforms, Google
I'm a huge fan of enrich - it's an incredibly supportive and helpful community. Sharing knowledge, inspiring better ways of working, sparking new connections, this is all so essential yet so challenging to find -- especially truly authentic spaces like enrich.
Ian Elliott
Director Marketing, Strava